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IELLEN: aiming high
This past month the IELLEN has continued work on many initiatives, plus started new ones! We’ve continued partnership programs such as Learning Mentors, Windsor Intensive Transition Support, and Young Carers. These benefit almost 50 young people. Last month we also delivered “work readiness” to 15 students across two schools. We’ve also chaired meetings of our VCAL and Homework Club Networks.
In addition the IELLEN delivered a forum with ACFE, for 30 Learn Local organisations / neighbourhood houses, to help them better engage with and increase their delivery to young people. And, at a meeting with seven stakeholders, we established a new LGBTQI youth-focused network in Boroondara.
This large volume of work reflects the IELLEN’s commitment to aiming high! Our target? Making a difference to young people’s educational engagement, transitions and pathways.
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