Young people
The IELLEN supports young people, with a focus on those aged 15-19, who are at risk of disengaging or already disengaged from education. We consult with and also deliver services to young people. The IELLEN also advocates for young people, especially through peak bodies such as YACVic and VCOSS.
The IELLEN works with government, Catholic and Independent schools, and with a focus on secondary schools. Staff with whom we work include Principals, APs, wellbeing co-ordinators, career teachers, Year level co-ordinators, VCAL Co-ordinators and VETis staff.
Business and industry
We liaise extensively with a broad range of industry, from small business through to corporates. Our Structured Workplace Learning Program, and our Career Education Program’s suite of services are two examples of this positive interaction and joint work.
Community organisations
The IELLEN works with not for profits as diverse as our interests: community health services, contracted providers of training or employment programs, mental health and alcohol and other drug providers, youth-led, and LGBTQI organisations.
Training providers
Among the training providers with whom we communicate and work are Registered Training Organisations (RTOs), Learn Local Organisations, neighbourhood houses, and two TAFE Institutes (Holmesglen and Melbourne Polytechnic) in our catchment.
LGAs and the Victorian Government
The IELLEN has developed strong relationships and partnerships with Local Government Authorities – management and frontline staff. We also have good relationships with state government departments, including funding Agreements with two departments.